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Dashboard Data

The Dashboard is the first stop for all users logging into the system. It contains four charts showing statistics about the organization. 

Reputation Activity

Reputation Activity highlights all review request views and clicks that patients have performed over the last seven (7) days and is a reflection of the Clicks and Views data found under Reputation. The chart calculates the value of views and clicks to help provide value to the practice's ROI. 

  • Impression value is counted as: (Views - Clicks) x $50
  • Review value is calculated as: Clicks x $200


Top Patient Charities

The Top Patient Charities chart shows the top ten (10) charities and the number of times they were selected as donation targets over the previous seven (7) days.


Reputation Summary

Reputation Summary shows the review ratings for all locations/practitioners within the organization over the last six (6) months. Clicking on the chart will redirect you to the Reputation Data page.


Anomalies Found

Anomalies Found highlights all accounting issues and EMR configuration issues found in the EMR within the last week. Clicking on the chart will redirect you to the weekly anomaly report. 


User Actions

User Actions captures user taking action regarding their appointments such as confirming, rescheduling, canceling, or scheduling a new appointment. In the chart below you will notice periods of high and low activity. Those sorts of dips may be appropriate for your practice based on the hours the practice is open and seeing/scheduling patients. In the example below, the practice was open Monday through Friday and did not schedule nor request scheduling over the weekends. A precipitous and medium/long-term decline in patient activity could be a sign that appointment reminders are not going out at all.

Click on a user action type (e.g. Confirm, Reschedule) to display or hid the user action type from the chart.


Sent Messages

Sent Messages is a stacked bar graph showing message stats for messages sent over the previous seven (7) days. Messages are grouped by type and are stacked based on the sending method (email, SMS, voice). Clicking on a colored portion of the bar will redirect you to a pre-filtered version of the Sent Messages page.


Scheduled Messages

The Scheduled Messages pie chart shows messages, grouped by type, that are scheduled to be sent in the next seven (7) days. Clicking on the chart will redirect you to the Scheduled Messages page.
