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Reputation Review Charity Pool

What is the Charity Pool?

When your tenant is configured and the Reputation Management system is enabled, you have the option to have enabled a charity donation pool. When enabled, patients who are leaving a review will get to select from several charitable organizations to which a donation will be made. This helps incentivize patients to leave reviews and these reviews tend to be positive.

How Much Money is Required for the Charity Pool Used to Fund Online Patient Reviews?

The amount in the monthly/quarterly contribution pool is up to the practice (we would suggest at least $100 per month or more based on the size of your practice). You or a designee will receive a receipt for your charitable contributions for your patients. 

Donations are made using the charity platform. The donation pool is distributed proportionately to charities selected by your patients and guests. You may promote your charitable giving to your patients as you wish.

Remember that there is no quid pro quo for the donations you are making on behalf of patients and guests. Patients are not obligated to complete a review nor are they required to provide a positive review. 

Generally, those that go the charity route are happy patients that like the extra benefit of feeling good about a charity donation for giving you a good review. The only exchange of value is virtuous feelings; there is no monetary or other material benefit to patients for filling out reviews. Angry patients don’t feel particularly charitable.

If you have offices that are generating poor reviews, you may select that reviewers are first challenged with a satisfaction question and only if they respond positively about their experience, will they be directed to the charity and public reviews page. We do not recommend using this gating feature as it reduces the volume of reviews and a few poor reviews is more authentic and believable by patients looking at reviews.

If you do not want to participate in the charity reviews system, we can disable it and push patients and guests into a simple public reviews page with no charity component. Note that the number of reviews will be substantially lower than with the charity option enabled.