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Sent Messages

The Sent Messages page details all messages sent by the system [practitioner instance]. With no filters set, all messages ever sent will be displayed. 

Available Filters

  • Recipient - The [partial] name of the message recipient.
  • Channel - The way the message was sent such as Email, SMS, or Voice.
  • Date - The date to filter for.

The message list is color-coded:

  • No highlight - Non-appointment message was sent to the patient.
  • Blue - The message was sent to the practitioner.
  • Green - The message was sent to a non-patient, such as the patient's recipients. 
  • Yellow - Appointment updates sent to the patient.
  • Purple - The message was about pathology.



The messages shown are provided with the following information:

  • Posted - The date the message was attempted to be sent.
  • Template - The internal name of the message template used to generate the message.
  • Patient - The specific patient the message is about.
  • Recipient - The specific recipient of the message.
  • Channel - The way the message was sent such as Email, SMS, or Voice.
  • Delivered - A checkmark in this column indicates the message was successfully sent.
  • Log - A simple confirmation or failure message.

There are three hot links for messages: Appointment, Patient, and Recipient. Clicking on any of these items will take you to the Appointments page, the page for the patient, or the Practitioners page if the recipient is a practitioner.